Recording of Live Sessions
Clear data that shows when a stock hits bottom "No Guessing"
Avoid buying too early or selling too late...PLUS more!
Certificate of Completion
An understanding of our quantitative H.A.R.P. model which incorporates data from technical and fundamental analysis together all-in-one
The knowledge and tools to personally project quarter returns in good healthy stocks that meet predetermined criteria to achieve your investment goals and grow your portfolio
An ability to assess, when a stock is beginning a new trend and how to manage your investment until the end of the trend while dealing with volatility along the way.
Insights into early investing in strong companies that display institutional accumulation many weeks ahead of the general public's awareness.
Wally Olopade has 10 years of experience in Finance, Technical, and Fundamental analysis and have trained more than 1000 students.
This is exactly what will be covered in this course
Lesson 1: Introduction to H.A.R.P. model
Learn to evaluate and identify stocks that are Healthy but trading at Attractive low prices while Risk is minimal and good Profit Potential
Lesson 2: Healthy and Attractive Low Priced Stocks
Dig deeper into the DNA of a Healthy stock with easy to follow steps Discover when a stock is trading at low prices right before it goes up
Lesson 3: Reducing Your Risk and Projecting Profit
Find out when a stock risk is low and when it is high, then use this to also anticipate how much profits can be generated all ahead of time
Lesson 1: Successfully Indentifying Market Bottoms
Learn how to tell when a stock has reached and established a bottom right before it is ready to reverse back higher. No more guessing...
Lesson 2: Tool For idenfitying Bear Markets
See the beginnings signs of a real bear market forming and how you can avoid them. Includes case study of 2008 financial crisis and more
Lesson 3: Case Study of Warren Buffett's Best Investments
Considered the best investor in our generation, find out a very unique pattern that appears repeatedly in Warren Buffett's best investments
Lesson 1: P.A.T.H. to New All-Time Highs
Learn how to idenfity and invest in stocks that are current at Pre All-Time Highs (P.A.T.H.) but on way to making New All-Time Highs.
Lesson 2: Indepth Analysis on How to Buy Low
Dive deep into the "buy low" concept as we explore in great details when a stock is at the lowest right before begins reversing higher
Lesson 3: Using Investment Trackers
We show you how to use the investment tracker we utilize to manage your P.A.T.H. stocks each week until they reach New All-Time High
Lesson 1: Monthly and Quarterly Cycles in Stocks
We dive into seasonal patterns that occur repeatedly in stocks every month and quarter. Learn to see when they start and when they end.
Lesson 2: Spotting Quarterly and Monthly Bottoms
Learn how to clearly see when a stock is forming its bottom each quarter and each month giving you the optimal time to buy
Lesson 3: Trading Mastery During Earning Season
First learn how to find which stocks move before or after earnings. Next learn the subtle clues that surface right before the move begins
Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Lesson 1: IPO Secrets That Become Winners
Discover how to identify IPO (and SPAC) stocks that become successful versus the ones that fail.
Lesson 2: Early Signs and Patterns In Successful IPOs
Learn the early signs and patterns that appeared in IPO stocks such as Tesla, Amazon, Netflix and more before they became household name
Lesson 3: IPOs That Can Double, Triple or More In Price
You will discover how to tell which IPO stock is poised to double, triple, or more and which ones are bound to fail from the beginning.
Lesson 1: Setting Quaterly Goals
Learn how to set realistic and measurable quartely goals then create an investment plan to select the right stocks for accomplishing the goal
Lesson 2: Setting Forward Guidance For Your Portfolio
Learn how to set forward guidance for the next 2 quarters and focus on stocks with the best chance of meeting or surpassing expectations.
Lesson 3: Managing Your Trades Weekly
Find out how to easily manage all your positions each weekned regardless of market conditions, volatility, or news.
Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
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Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Only those who really want to:
Become a highly skilled analyst in 6 weeks
Generate predictable profits consistently
Avoid panic selling during volatile markets
Gain more, trade less with a proven system
Spot runaway stocks like GME early
Avoid buying too late and selling to soon
Recordings available for all those who register
Retake training program as many times as you like
Retake limited to availablility new clients get priority
Here's what other students are raving about the course
"You have no idea how phenomenal this whole thing is. My mind is blown away. Seriously, you know how much they tell us not to time the markets. I mean they really put that in your brain...don't time the market. So I am really impressed and not many people impress me."
"I can look at a stock and I feel very confident about what I should or should not be doing especially with position sizing. The peace of mind that I now have, I am not afraid anymore, I can trade more confidently. Also you can now welcome me into the 100% CLUB! I am up 210% on my SPY trade."
"You put everything together for me because I have actually been looking at this stuff for a few years. I couldn't grasp what I was really looking for or looking at, but you saw it and turned it into simple concepts. I was skeptical at first, but it all makes sense now. It's given me confidence."
Trading on the Right Side With Confidence